My name is Antoine Sochat.
Je m'appelle Antoine Sochat.
Me llamo Antoine Sochat.
Ich heiße Antoine Sochat.
O meu nome é Antoine Sochat.

Mi chiamo Antoine Sochat.



Website (Webflow, Framer or React JS), SEO, SEA, Meta Ads, Strategy and user journey


Sales processes, User journey,
Optimization, Automation

> Created the inside sales team at Luckey> Automated the partner recruitment process at Airbnb


Customer success (LTV calculation, processes…), Customer support (priorization, efficiency, automation, cost reduction), Upsales  (opportunities spotting)

> Built an automated NPS process > Calculated customer LTV to prioritize their satisfaction


Discovery, Features priorization, 
Specs, Design on Figma

> Designed an app on Figma following the F.O.C.U.S.E.D method and The Mom Test


Competition gap, Market study to spot warnings and opportunities


ROI optimization (avg customer revenue, cost reduction), Customer onboarding processes, Company structure to gather and assign resources, Automation

> Coded rules to assign customer inquiries to the right CS agent and reduce costs> Created onboarding trainings for partners at Airbnb